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Cistern, Low Profile

Norwesco's Low Profile cistern tanks are molded in one piece, requiring no additional assembly, reducing installation time and effort.  Our cisterns are ideal for instances when drinking water must be hauled in or if a well does not meet consumption needs.  Norwesco Low Profile cisterns are manufactured using resins that meet FDA specifications to ensure safe storage of potable water.  Where applicable, the Low Profile cisterns have been certified under ANSI/NSF Standard 61.  Other features include:

  • Rotationally molded rugged, one-piece tank with no seams to leak.
  • No assembly required, reducing installation time and effort.
  • No special backfill or water filling required during installation.
  • May be pumped dry during pump-outs.
  • May be installed with 6" to 36" of cover.
  • Access openings and lids accept Norwesco low profile manhole extension, double-wall corrugated pipe and ribbed PVC pipe.
  • A full range of bulkhead fittings are available to help adapt the cistern to suit specific needs or applications.  (See Valves, Couplers, Fittings & Lids under Products tab at top of page.)

Low Profile Tank Installation Instructions


Below Ground Low Profile Cisterns
Gallon CapacityLengthWidthOverall
Manhole DiameterPart No.Avail
225 Sphere - 48" Dia. 50" 1-20" (63672) 44827 D
300 Sphere - 51" Dia. 52" 1-20" (63672) 44828 D
525 Sphere - 64" Dia. 62" 1-20" (63672) 44829 D
575 97" 48" 42" 1-20" (63672) 44360 C,E,G
825 92" 60" 51" 2-20" (63672) 43569 G
1175 127" 60" 51" 2-20" (63672) 44405 B,C,D,E,F,H,L,O
1175 127" 60" 51" 2-20" (63672) 40199 G
1425 157" 60" 51" 2-20" (63672) 44406 B,C,E,F,H
1425 157" 60" 51" 2-20" (63672) 43573 G
1450 157" 60" 51" 2-20" (63672) 43549 D
1725 157" 69" 51" 2-20" (63672) 44407 B,C,E,F,G,H,L,O
1750 157" 69" 51" 2-20" (63672) 43550 D
Availability Key:  A=All; B=St. Bonifacius, MN; C=Lancaster, OH; D=Griffin, GA; E=Shawnee, OK; F=Tooele, UT; G=Owego, NY; H=Washougal, WA; L=Hanford, CA; O=Chowchilla,CA

Tank dimensions and capacities may vary slightly and are subject to change without notice.