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Containment Basins/Tanks

Our containment basins and tanks are impact and corrosion resistant and are molded as a one-piece, seamless unit. The 140, 250, 360, 500, 600, 1300 & 1500 gallon sizes are "basin style".  The 7500 is an open top containment.

Required containment capacity may vary depending on application and location.

Containment Basins/Tanks
Gallon CapacityWidth/DiameterOverall HeightLengthFill OpeningOutlet/Drain
Premium Weight Part No.ColorAvail
140 45" 17" 45" NA NA 42771 Black E,T
250 68" 11" 92" NA NA 42114 Black E,T
360 69" 16" 93" NA NA 42940 Black E,T
500 80" 19" 92" NA NA 42051 Black E,T
600 84" 20" 98" NA NA  43069 Black E,T
1300 97" 22" 175" NA NA 42195 Black E,T
1500 98" 28" 182" N/A N/A 43575 Black T
7500 144"Dia 110" - NA NA 45379 Natural L

Availability Key:  E=Shawnee, OK; L=Hanford, CA; T=Fairfield, TX

Tank dimensions and capacities may vary and are subject to change without notice.