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Pickup Truck Tanks

Designed to fit full-size, American-made pickups, the 325 and 425 sizes have low profiles for better rear vision. The 210 fits both full-size and small pickup trucks.  All of them feature fill openings offset to the side of the tank for safe and easy access. The 200 and 300 space savers tanks have flat surfaces on top suitable for mounting pumps or hose reels.


425 Pickup
Space Saver 305 Pickup 425 Pickup


Pickup Truck Tanks
Gallon CapacityTop Width or DiameterBottom Width or DiameterOverall HeightFill OpeningOutlet/Drain SpecificationPremium Weight Part No. WhiteAvail
210 60"/51" 48"/39" 29" 8"-(63480) 2"-(63481) 2" siphon (60335) 40300 B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,L,P,T
305 60" 48" 30" 8"-(63480) 2"-(63481) 2" siphon (60335) 44808 B,C,E,I
325 62" 49" 33" 8"-(63480) 2"-(63481) 2" siphon (60335) 40160 B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,L,P,T
425 65" 49" 39" 8"-(63480) 2"-(63481) 2" siphon (60335)


200 space saver 69"/28" 47"/28" 41" 12"-(64323) ---


300 space saver 69"/41" 47"/41" 41" 12"-(64323) ---



Availability Key: A=All (excluding Albertville, AL, Washington Court House, OH & Petersburg, TX); B=St.Bonifacius, MN; C=Lancaster, OH; D=Griffin, GA; E=Shawnee, OK; F=Tooele, UT; G=Owego, NY; H=Washougal, WA; I=Sheldon, IA; J=Washington Court House, OH; L=Hanford, CA; T=Fairfield, TX

Tank dimensions and capacities may vary slightly and are subject to change without notice.