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Elliptical Leg Tanks

This elliptical tank style is designed to provide the greatest capacity with the lowest center of gravity, making it the best design available for transporting larger volumes. Norwesco elliptical tanks feature molded-in legs that act as "baffles" to reduce sloshing and provide increased stability during transport.  The 2650 & 3250 include an internal baffle system.

All Norwesco elliptical leg tanks require full length bottom support as well as support bands.  The 1600 & 3180 flat bottoms require full length support but do not require bands.

View Fitting Installation Guide for Elliptical Leg Tanks

Elliptical Leg Tanks
Gallon CapacityWidthOverall HeightLengthFill OpeningOutlet/Drain SpecificationPremium Weight Part No. WhiteAvailPremium
Part No.
AvailHeavy Weight Part No. BlueAvailHeavy Weight Part No. BlackAvail
135 36" 26" 56" 8"-(63480) 1 1/4"-(60403) 44804 C,E,I,L - - - -    
235 40" 32" 66" 8"-(63480) 2"-(63481)
2" siphon (60335)
44806 C,E,I,L - - - -    
335 48" 33" 71" 16"-(63485) 2"-(63481)
2" siphon (60335)
42339 C,E,L - - - -
535 57" 39" 80" 16"-(63485) 2"-(63481)
2" siphon (60335)
42353 C,E,L - - - -
1035 79" 54" 89" 16"-(63485) 2"-(63683)
2" siphon (60335)
40191 B,C,F - 40192 B,C,F - -
1235 66" 53" 128" 16"-(63485) 2"-(63683)
2" siphon (60335)
40239 B - - - - -
1335 66" 55" 126" 16"-(63485) 2"-(63683)
2" siphon (60335)
42927 B,C - 42929 B,C -
1635 71" 58" 142" 16"-(63485) 2"-(63683)
2" siphon (60335)
40387 B,C,D,E,F,L,T 40602 B,C,D,E,F,L,T 40388 B,C,D,E,F,L,T 41890 B,C,D,E,F,L,T
2035 84" 56" 142" 16"-(63485) 2"-(63683)
2" siphon (60335)
B,C,D,E,F,L,T 40621-MN-OK-TX
B,C,D,E,F,L,T  40623-MN-OK-TX
B,C,D,E,F,L,T 40775-MN-OK-TX
2650 w/baffles 88" 82" 122" 22"***-(63874) 3"-(62299)
2" reducer(60330) 3" siphon (60327)
45360 B,C,T 45364 B,C,T 45362 B,C,T 45366 B,C,T
2635 90" 72" 140" 16"-(63485) 3"-(62299)
2" reducer (60330) 3" siphon (60327)
B,C,D,F,L 40751-MN-TX
B,C,D,F,L 40283-MN-TX
B,C,D,F,L,T 41294-MN-TX
3135 88" 80" 150" 16"-(63485) 3"-(62299)
2" reducer (60330) 3" siphon (60327)
B,C,D,E,F,T 40853-MN-OK-TX
B,C,D,E,F,T  40688-MN-OK-TX
B,C,D,E,F,T 41417-MN-OK-TX
3250 w/baffles 88" 82" 152" 22"***-(63874) 3"-(62299)
2" reducer (60330) 3" siphon (60327)
44597 B,C,T 44601 B,C,T 44599 B,C,T 44603 B,C,T
4035 92" 75" 192" 16"**-(62532) 3"-(62299)
2" reducer (60330) 3" siphon (60327)
41267 B,C,L,T 45394 B,C,L,T 41269 B,C,L,T 42011  B,C,L,T 

*Bands not available for this tank - not required.

**16" hinged lid, Norwesco part number 62532.
***22" hinged lid, Norwesco part number 63874.

Elliptical Leg Tanks, with the exception of the 1600 & 3180 Flat Bottoms, REQUIRE SUPPORT BANDS.


Availability Key: A=All; B=St.Bonifacius, MN; C=Lancaster, OH; D=Griffin, GA; E=Shawnee, OK; F=Tooele, UT; G=Owego, NY; H=Washougal, WA; I=Sheldon, IA; L=Hanford, CA; T=Fairfield, TX

Elliptical Leg Tank Bands

Norwesco bands are custom fabricated to support the Norwesco tanks and are galvanized for added corrosion protection. Whether using the tank in a stationary position or for transport, bands are necessary to ensure that the tank retains its shape and integrity.

Elliptical Leg Tank Bands
Tank Size (Gallon)ABCColor of band footNo. of BandsPart No.Avail
135 21" 35"  39 11/16" Galvanized 2 required 64164 C,E,I,L
235 27 1/4"  38"  43 5/16" Galvanized  2 required 64165 C,E,I,L
335 29" 46 1/2" 52 1/2" Galvanized 2 required 63546 C,E,L
535 35" 55 1/2" 61 1/2" Galvanized 2 required 63547 C,E,L
1035 47 1/4" 77" 83" Yellow 3 required 60325 B,C,F
1235 47 3/4" 64 3/4" 70 3/4" Dark Blue 4 required 60477 B
1335 49 3/4" 63 1/2" 69 1/2" Blue 3 required 63642 B,C
1635 50 3/8" 68" 74" Brown 4 required 60586 B,C,E,F,L,T
1635 51 3/4"  68" 74" White 4 required 64191 D
2035 51 1/4" 81 1/2" 86 3/4" Galvanized 4 required 62079 B,E,T
2035 51 1/4" 81 1/2" 86 3/4" Gold 4 required 63840 C,D,F,L
2635 65 1/4" 87 1/2" 94" Galvanized 4 required 60353 B,C,D,F,T
2650 75 7/8" 85 1/2" 91 3/4" Black 3 required 65079 B,C,T
3135 75 7/8" 85 1/2" 91 3/4" Black 4 required 65079 B,C,D,E,F,T
3250 75 7/8" 85 1/2" 91 3/4" Black 4 required 65079 B,C,T
4035 70 1/4" 89 1/2" 96" Entire band painted Powder
4 required 62832 B,C,L,T


DescriptionTank Size (Gallon)Part No.Avail
Ladder-galvanized (optional) 2635 & 3135 60354 B,C,D,E,F,T
Ladder-powder coated (optional) 4035 63033 B,C,L,T
*Adaptor kit for ladder 3135 & 3250 62301 B,C,D,E,F,T

*This kit is required when using ladder on the 3135 & 3250 gallon tanks.

Tank dimensions and capacities may vary slightly and are subject to change without notice.